Washington, DC: Nearly six out of ten US adults support legalizing the consumption of marijuana, and slightly more than half believe that the substance ought to be regulated in a manner similar to alcohol, according to national polling data released last week by YouGov.com and The Huffington Post.
Fifty-seven percent of respondents said that the adult use of cannabis ought to be legal. Among those favoring legalization, 51 percent supported taxing and regulating the retail production and sale of the substance in a manner similar to alcohol. Six percent of respondents said that they opposed imposing any taxes or regulations on legal cannabis production or sales.
Only 33 percent of respondents said that marijuana should not be legalized.
Seventy-four percent of respondents said that they believed that marijuana would eventually be legal in the United States.
The YouGov/Huffington Post survey interviewed 1,000 US adults and possesses a margin of error of ±3.6 percent.
In recent months, similar national polls by Pew, Gallup, Quinnipiac University, and Public Policy Pollinghave also reported majority public support for legalizing and regulating the adult use of cannabis.
Source: NORML - make a donation