As you may know by now, I am a big fan of a new book that is out called ‘The Cannabis Manifesto: A New Paradigm for Wellness.’ The book was written by long time activist and social entrepreneur Steve DeAngelo. As I’ve said many times, this book is very timely, as many Americans are considering marijuana initiatives, legislation, and local reform efforts all over the nation.
This book does an amazing job of telling the history of cannabis prohibition, telling Steve DeAngelo’s story about being on the front lines of reform and being in charge of the largest medical cannabis dispensary on the planet, and urging people to get active in their areas. Cannabis prohibition is a terrible thing, and has ruined many lives over a stretch of several decades. This book has the power to initiative serious conversations in homes across America, and in the process, change minds.
I already have my copy of The Cannabis Manifesto, and so does Jay Smoker (he just got his yesterday in the mail). You should have one too, and should get a copy for any and all cannabis enthusiasts that you know. You should especially get a copy for anyone that you know that is on the fence about cannabis reform.
This book has the potential to be the first cannabis book to make the New York Times ‘best seller’ list, which would be a tremendous thing for the greater cannabis movement. Getting this book on that prestigious list would no doubt lead to media coverage, which would generate awareness, which would lead to reform. I want to see the book’s author on every major television network talking about the book, and specifically about how America’s need to end cannabis prohibition.
You can pick up the book at this link here. As far as I know, for a limited time, the book comes with a BUNCH of bonuses, making the decision to purchase the book that much easier. Get the book, read it, share it with friend, families, and especially opponents, and hopefully we see this book go to the top of the charts, and with it, the discussion about cannabis reform!
FYI – the book’s author, Steve DeAngelo, will be doing a book signing today from 7 pm to 8:30 pm in Los Angeles at Chevalier’s Books located at 126 North Larchmont Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States if you are in the area.