January 25, 2010

Traveling With Medical Marijuana

January 25, 2010

A question that I often get is ‘Do other states recognize my medical marijuana card, and if so, how much can I bring?’ Currently, Montana, Michigan, and Rhode Island recognize out of state medical marijuana cards. This is a legal term know as reciprocity, or a ‘reciprocal agreement’ between states. ***Note — Michigan does not have a reciprocity clause in their law, but they recognize ‘qualified out of state patients,’ which has the same effect.*** The other 11 medical marijuana states (Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, and New Jersey) have no reciprocal agreements at this time. However, people from these states can travel to Montana, Michigan, and Rhode Island and they will be protected. Of course, you will be traveling through states that don’t even have medical marijuana programs, so be advised. Also, you can’t bring it on a plane, regardless of new federal guidelines. You are a felony waiting to happen. YOU CAN GO TO THAT STATE AND ‘OBTAIN’ IT LEGALLY THOUGH!!!!!!!!!

I can see the next question forming in reader’s minds, ‘If I’m in Montana, Michigan, or Rhode Island, does that mean that I am under MY state’s limits?’ The answer is a resounding NO. To put it into perspective, we will use the example of a driver’s license. All 50 states have reciprocal agreements with each other when it comes to driver’s licenses. Despite these agreements, which state’s speed limits do you follow when you are in Montana? Montana’s of course, and medical marijuana reciprocal agreements are no different. Montana allows 1 dried ounce per patient, Michigan allows 2.5 ounces, and Rhode Island also allows up to 2.5 ounces.


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