Last year, Sensible Washington gathered approximately 175,000 signatures. Most of these signatures were gathered in the last two months of the campaign. This year, with less than two months to go, we have the ability to qualify I-1149 for the ballot.
Whether we do is up to you.
The Feds want to shut down our dispensaries. At the state level, our elected officials made jokes about ‘pizza amendments’ before vetoing medical marijuana reform. The politicians will remain way behind the people on this issue.
The only way forward is for the people to do it. We need those signatures. We must act now to ensure that patients will have safe access to their medicine. We cannot wait for next year’s general election, when the national movement will try to run glorified decriminalization. This is unacceptable.
Effective immediately, we need all hands on deck. We need more people to gather signatures and spread the word. Find your local coordinator. Get everyone you know involved, let them know that this is the year, now is the time. If you can’t gather signatures, donate-even if you live in another state. The money we raise will allow us to use paid gatherers if we come up short.
More ways you can help:
- Come to the Cannabis Liberation March in Seattle this Saturday, May 14th, and pick up I-1149 petitions.
- Collect signatures from friends and family.
- Collect signatures at festivals, concerts, and sporting events.
- Shop using the referral link at right; we’ll receive a percentage of the proceeds.
Fight back against the recent setbacks in patient protections. If you want it badly enough, cast your vote to legalize this year.
It is up to you. But don’t wait-the clock is ticking.
– Article originally from SensibleWashington.Org.