The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) is doing a very cool thing. NCIA is hosting a series of quarterly caucus events across the country for the growing industry. There is one going on in Portland tomorrow. I attended an NCIA event in Portland a little while ago and met Earl Blumenauer and a bunch of Oregon cannabis industry leaders. It was an amazing event, and you should attend if you are in the area. Below are details, via the event’s Facebook page. You can RSVP on Facebook at this link here, and register at this link here:
We are excited to announce that NCIA is debuting a new nationwide event series! NCIA’s Quarterly Cannabis Caucuses will be held in the cannabis industry’s 12 most active regions, and in Oregon will take place on the second Tuesdays in the first month of each new quarter. Each will be held at Cerulean Skies Winery, located in Portland.
Oregon Quarterly Cannabis Caucus Calendar:
Q1 – Portland, OR – 1/12/2016
Q2 – Portland, OR – 4/12/2016
Q3 – Portland, OR – 7/12/2016
Q4 – Portland, OR – 10/11/2016
You and your team will leave each Cannabis Caucus equipped with the tools to affect positive change on cannabis issues while making meaningful connections with vested industry players. Each Caucus will be free of charge for current NCIA members and include an in-depth federal policy update from senior NCIA staff or staff from a district congressional office, a comprehensive state and local policy update from a local elected official or a member of NCIA, an informational packet filled with detailed legislative analysis and recent federal policy developments, and an organizational update so you can keep up to date with what NCIA is doing for you. All of this will be offered as well as the opportunity to network with the leaders in the cannabis industry.
The Caucus also serves as an opportunity for our members to share their ideas and concerns with NCIA, which is committed to serving the industry in the best way possible
So what are you waiting for? Register today!
Do you have questions regarding the upcoming Quarterly Cannabis Caucus in your area or others across the country? Reach out to events@thecannabisindustry
Interested in sponsoring one or a series of events in a particular region throughout the year in order to gain valuable exposure for your company to our nationwide network of established business owners? Please contact Brian Gilbert at brian@thecannabisindustry.