October 29, 2012

Find Out Which Candidates Support Medical Cannabis

October 29, 2012
vote for marijuana

vote for marijuana medicalNominate A Candidate In Your Area That Supports Safe Access To Medical Marijuana

The Huffington Post published a blog this morning from ASA’s Executive Director Steph Sherer encouraging people to get informed about medical cannabis policy before they cast their votes. With “strong, bipartisan support for this medicine — up to 80% in recent polls,” we as voters have an opportunity to choose the leader who will be making medical marijuana policy for the coming years!

Our team has researched all the congressional incumbents nationwide and made it incredibly easy for you to know where they stand on medical cannabis. Based on our research, we’ve issued Congressional ratings of pass, fail or honor roll based on votes and bill sponsorships since 1997.

Before you cast your ballot, visit VoteMedicalMarijuana.org

  • Please don’t forget to share the voter guide for your state with other friends and family who take interest in medical cannabis policy. It’s super easy to do from the front page of the site!

Want ot Add or Update Information on Candidates?

  • This information is based on the Congressional record, but it is not comprehensive. If you’d like to see your State Legislature or Local race on this list, we invite you to ask the candidates yourself, and share their responses with us.
  • Email us at [email protected] with your nomination – including state, office, district number for state legislature, and city and jurisdiction for local offices. Please provide supporting evidence of the candidate’s stance.

Democracy is not a spectator sport! Make sure you are fully informed before you cast your vote!


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