Bullock Says He’ll Vote Against IR-124
No poll shows IR-124 with majority support, and the new law now faces two new hurdles to approval by the voters this year.
Patients for Reform, Not Repeal has begun its second radio advertising campaign with a new spot, entitled “Running Away,” which points to the measure’s weak voter support and even opposition from the Montana Republican Party. The spot notes that Sen. Jeff Essman, sponsor of SB 423 – the subject of the referendum - has conceded that his work will be changed next year. (Script and MP3 attached.)
Meantime, in Tuesday night’s gubernatorial debate, current Attorney General Steve Bullock said he’d vote against IR-124. It’s a landmark statement by Bullock on the state’s medical marijuana laws. Republican challenger Rick Hill said he’ll vote for IR-124.
Bob Brigham, campaign manager for Patients for Reform, Not Repeal, said, “Rick Hill is outside the mainstream on medical marijuana and on IR-124 in particular. Most voters will say ‘no’ in November. His own party has disowned it.”
Brigham added, “If Rick Hill thinks IR-124 is the horse to ride to victory, he should watch out, he’s headed over a cliff.”
Public polls so far have showed IR-124 with support at 46 percent (Public Policy Polling) and 44 percent (Mason-Dixon). That’s not good enough to win, even with large numbers of undecideds.
As Voter Information Guides have arrived this week, voters across Montana have seen the story told by opponents of IR-124.
Patients Lori Burnam and Sarah Baugh are joined by Dr. Edwin Stickney in arguing that IR-124 decimates patients’ rights and amounts to repeal of the original voter-approved medical marijuana law. The politicians arguing for IR-124 present a comparatively weak case.
The new radio spot by Patients for Reform, Not Repeal is running in very strong rotation in Billings at this time. Meanwhile, the Will of the Voters Fund – a separate anti-IR-124 group – is running radio ads in additional markets.
Brigham said, “Defeating IR-124 won’t be easy, but as voters learn more, they will turn against it in larger and larger numbers. We’re here to give them an extra push.”
Montana GOP Platform – https://www.mtgop.org/index.php/about/party-platform.html
Medical Use of Marijuana
We recognize that a significant problem exists with Montana’s current laws regarding the medical use of marijuana and we support action by the next legislature to create a workable and realistic regulatory structure.
“Running Away” (studio)
Radio :30
Everyone’s running away from I.R. 124.
The Montana Republican Party says: We can do better. (footsteps)
The sponsor of the bill, Jeff Essman, knows it must be changed.
And most Montanans don’t support I.R. 124. Less than half say they’ll vote for it. (footsteps)
No wonder.
I.R. 124 repeals a voter initiative. It takes away peoples’ rights.
Vote AGAINST I.R. 124.
Paid for by Patients for Reform, Not Repeal
Sarah Baugh, Treasurer
Box 4146, Helena, 59604