September 3, 2012

Listen To Steph Sherer On ‘Marijuana Compassion And Common Sense’ Radio Show

September 3, 2012
steph sherer americans for safe access

steph sherer americans for safe accessAmericans For Safe Access Director Will Talk About ‘Can Broken Promises Lose An Election’ Campaign

This was brought to my attention by the great people at DPFCA, and I encourage all readers to tune in if they can:

Americans for Safe Access has undertaken a controversial program to call Obama to account for his broken mmj campaign pledge and his attack on mmj providers in California, Washington, Colorado and Oregon.  To learn more about their program, Steph Sherer, Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access, will be our featured guest on the Monday, Sept. 3 at 6 p.m. broadcast and simulcast of our radio show Marijuana Compassion and Common Sense.

Steph will explain the program that will print and distribute 100,000 posters in Presidential swing states like Colorado and Nevada. The posters ask the question, “Can Broken Promises Lose an Election? 1 Million Medical Marijuana Patients Will Decide.”

Critics have charged that the campaign will take votes away from Obama thereby insuring Romney’s victory in the swing states in which they will be distributed. Steph Sherer has written that the purpose of the campaign is to warn Obama that he may very well lose states like Colorado, key to his victory, as many mmj and mj reform voters will vote for one of the third party candidates who support ending marijuana prohibition and the rights of mmj patients rather than vote for him.

If he doesn’t take a more enlightened view of marijuana, he could lose the election because so many patients and marijuana consumers will vote for a candidate who supports their views – a view which just happens to also be the view of the majority of Democratic voters in every poll about medical marijuana and marijuana legalization.

Obama needs to be confronted with not only the horrors his attack on medical marijuana providers has caused, but also that he is out of touch with the majority of Democratic voters and legislators. ASA intends to do just that.

One of those people who would also like to do that and to take votes from Obama and Romney and everyone else is our second guest Bruce Cain. A dedicated medical marijuana activist who has thrown his hat into the political ring as an independent candidate for President, Bruce will explain why he is running, how he plans to reach out to voters and why it is critical for mmj patients and law reform advocates to get actively involved in the political process.

Tune in this Monday, Sept. 3 at 6 p.m. to hear Steph and Bruce discuss strategies to get marijuana into the Presidential campaign.  Listen in this Monday at 6 p.m. and every Monday at 6 p.m. for the award winning radio show Marijuana Compassion and Common Sense on IE talk radio KCAA 1050AM and simulcast at


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