Breaking the cycle of opioid dependency using cannabis will be addressed during the upcoming Cannabis Nurses Network Conference (CNNC) at an educational session and panel on opioid crisis. The panel will include professional athlete, Boo Williams, noted cannabis author Uwe Blesching, PhD and hospice nurse Marcie Cooper RN, MSN, AHN-BC.
The CannabisNursesNetworkConference (CNNC), the annual professional development and education conference designed exclusively for Registered Nurses and wellness professionals to advance their understanding of cannabis medicine, the endocannabinoid system, and practical applications in day-to-day patient care & practice. This year’s conference will be held at the San Diego Sheraton Hotel and Marina from February 28th through March 2nd, 2019.
Blesching is a regular contributor to the cannabinoid health sciences, mind-body medicine, phytopharmacology, as well as evidence-based illness prevention and treatment protocols. Blesching’s books such as the Cannabis Health Index, Breaking the Cycle of Opioid Addiction, and Heal Yourself with Cannabis are based on Blesching’s rigorous in depth research and twenty years’ experience in emergency medicine as a Paramedic for the City of San Francisco.
Most recently, when the National Council of State Boards of Nursing released guidelines for cannabis patient care, it simultaneously validated the legitimacy of cannabis nursing, and underscored the immediate necessity for medical professionals to gain practical medical marijuana patient care education.
“Cannabis Nurses are revolutionizing the future of plant-based healthcare. In response to a national shift that is currently occurring in healthcare, and specifically within the nursing profession, it has become imperative to provide nurses with access to high-level education involving the science, research, and implementation required for sustaining evidence-based practice regarding cannabis patients. CNN is heeding the call to deliver this important education during CNNC,” says the Founder of CNN and longtime advocate Heather Manus, RN.
According to reports, states with medical cannabis laws have a 25% lower opioid overdose mortality rate compared with states without medical cannabis laws. In addition, medical cannabis saves Medicare about $165 million annually in prescription costs alone.
Blesching will also join professional athlete, Boo Williams and hospice nurse, Marcie Cooper RN, MSN, AHN-BC for a panel titled “Cannabis & Opiate Harm Reduction” Williams, a former tight end for the New Orleans Saints and founder of Black Ghost Enterprises, now leads a multi-faceted branding company that includes a line of CBD cannabis products under the BooBeary brand. As a former professional athlete, he brings his own personal experience with using cannabis for pain management and mental health, along with his vast industry knowledge, to lead his venture.
Nurse Cooper has been a hospice nurse for more than 10 years created and contributed to several nationally offered nursing CEU courses and programs on cannabis including Cannabinoid Connections in 2016. She has been teaching Geriatric Nursing and Transcultural Nursing in a BSN program and incorporating concepts of cannabis nursing into these traditional nursing courses. Providing direct patient care has always been and remains her first love and passion aside from teaching physicians and nurses.
CNN Founder Heather Manus, RN, explained, “Patients are using cannabis legally, with or without medical oversight. Nurses are being encouraged by the National Council State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) to seek and gain knowledge regarding Cannabis Patient Care. I believe we are witnessing a revolution in healthcare, and Nurses are among those at the forefront.”
Healthcare professionals are encouraged to register to learn about cannabis science, research, and clinical applications related to the human endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid therapeutics from world-class experts. Event website for tickets is www.CannabisNursesNetwork.com/cnnc
About CannabisNursesNetwork
Cannabis Nurses Network promotes and provides quality Education for ongoing continued learning. Through education and shared information, nurses are supported in gaining knowledge, experience, and confidence. Knowledgeable nurses who have understanding of the Endocannabinoid System and Cannabinoid Therapeutics are making major impacts within the healthcare and legal systems, as well as, the wellness and cannabis industries worldwide. For more information, log to