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Article Archives
Ending Marijuana Prohibition
Johnny Green

Traveling With Medical Marijuana

A question that I often get is ‘Do other states recognize my medical marijuana card, and if so, how much can I bring?’ Currently, Montana,

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Ending Marijuana Prohibition
Johnny Green

Landmark Washington State Case

Ninja smoker brought this case to my attention via his stoner friendly links, and I thought that I needed to do some clarification. There was

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Ending Marijuana Prohibition
Johnny Green

Breaking the Thermal Imaging Myth

A common question that growers have is ‘Can law enforcement use thermal imaging to find my grow room?’ The answer is….Not without a warrant. When

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Ending Marijuana Prohibition
Johnny Green

Marijuana Legal In Cali?…Almost

Yesterday was a big day in the fight to legalize marijuana. For the first time in history, a piece of United States government legislation to

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