Let The Senate Know That Medical Marijuana Research Is Not Enough
See the e-mail alert that I received below: More and more, Congress is talking about medical cannabis, but the conversation is largely focused on lifting
See the e-mail alert that I received below: More and more, Congress is talking about medical cannabis, but the conversation is largely focused on lifting
A U.S. Senate committee voted today in support of opening up banking services to state-legal marijuana businesses. By a vote of 16-14, the Senate Appropriations
Thursday was a very big day for veterans, and for cannabis reform supporters that have been fighting alongside veterans to get the federal government to lift
The Illinois Senate approved a bill 40-14 on Tuesday that would replace criminal penalties with a civil fine for possession of a personal amount of
I received the following legislative alert: The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee will be voting this Thursday on the a medical cannabis amendment to the FY2017
The Pennsylvania Senate approved a revised bill Tuesday (42-7) that would allow residents suffering from debilitating conditions to access medical marijuana if their doctors recommend
Racist Senator Jeff Sessions who once said,”Good People Don’t Smoke Marijuana”, could turn out to be drug law reformers worst nightmare come true. Tom Angell
Tomorrow there will be a hearing held in the Senate in regards to marijuana policy. Before you get too excited, realize that the hearing is
Earlier this month the Pennsylvania House of Representatives approved a medical marijuana bill, and by a wide margin. The bill wasn’t perfect, but it was
The Vermont Senate gave final approval to a bill Thursday (17-12) that would end marijuana prohibition in the state and regulate the cultivation and sale
An elections law update may make it easier for citizens to seek changes in law with initiatives and amendments via the petitioning process- including a
Below is some VERY big news. If you agree, donate to Students for Sensible Drug Policy, as they have done a ton of work on
The Vermont Senate Committee on Judiciary approved a bill (4-1) on Friday that would end marijuana prohibition in the state and regulate marijuana for adult
The Senate today passed the FY2016 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs (MilCon-VA) Appropriations Bill, which includes language to allow Veterans Administration (VA) doctors to recommend
The United States House of Representatives has historically been better when it comes to marijuana reform. My old college political science professor would always tell
Yesterday, a bipartisan group of Senators announced a historic deal on criminal justice reform, rounding out a negotiation process that has lasted almost five months.
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a measure Thursday (16-14) that is intended to ensure marijuana businesses have access to banking services. The amendment, offered by
A key Senate committee passed a bill today allowing the nation’s capital to establish regulated marijuana stores and let banks provide financial services to state-legalized
The marijuana industry is barely scratching the surface as far as growth potential. Colorado sold roughly $700 million worth of marijuana last year alone, and
By Danielle Keane, NORML Political Director Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, along with seven other Senators, has directed a letter to the Obama administration demanding regulators answer questions specific to the facilitation of research
The U.S. Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control will hold a hearing Wednesday on cannabidiol (CBD), a component of marijuana being used in the treatment
Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. has been around in Maryland politics a long, long time. When he speaks, a lot of people
Public Opinion, Wasted Tax Dollars and Racially Discriminatory Arrests Push Legislators to Fix Broken Marijuana Policies Colorado, Washington, and Now Uruguay Offer Sensible Models and
Uruguay’s Senate passed a marijuana legalization bill earlier today, paving the way to make Uruguay the first country to legalize marijuana. The only thing that
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