Cannabis Season – Week 8
This week includes the Veterans BBQ on Sunday and the Memorial Day Sesh on Monday, both being held at the NW Cannabis Club. On Friday Ms. Jeni Wren is performing at Barrio on SE Foster, and Saturday finds me attending a social consumption dinner at a private residence, compliments of The Weed Blog. I also continue with my Dispensary Tour, this week wandering through eastern Beaverton and western Portland along the I5 corridor. Here is how I walked 11.6 miles from Sunday May 28 through Saturday, June 3.
Sunday, 5/28/17, 1.0 miles. The NW Cannabis Club is holding a BBQ today and all members who are also veterans get in for only a dollar today, so Flo and I are attending. I see this as a wonderful way to introduce Flo to some of the folks I have gotten to know at the Club. Alas, either something I ate, drank, or smoked turned a fun day into a miserable one; we had to leave before the festivities got under way. The rest of my day finds me ill and uncomfortable.
Monday, 5/29/17, 0.2 miles. I am going nowhere. Whatever started me down this path yesterday still has a firm grip on my psyche. No Memorial Day Sesh at the NWCC for me.
Tuesday, 5/30/17, 0.7 miles. Ditto from yesterday. It’s not that I can’t do things, I just don’t want to do anything.
Wednesday, 5/31/17, 0.5 miles. I need to pull myself out of this, but I don’t have the desire to expend the energy.
Thursday, 6/1/17, 0.2 miles. Nothing in the feel-good department for me today. It certainly is a good thing all around that I no longer have to deal with people when I am having days like this. It is even a good thing for folks around me that they don’t have to deal with me on days like this. It is a wonder that Flo puts up with me for a day; how (and why) she done it for 30 years beats the heck out of me.
Friday, 6/2/17, 1.6 miles. Finally! I head to The New Amsterdam in NE Portland to take advantage of their advertised $5 REL vape pens. Alas, between 10am when they opened and 10:38am when I arrived they had sold out. Hmmm. On to perform our monthly Costco and Target shopping, along with food shopping and automobile fuel filling at our local Safeway. By two o’clock I am back home and Flo is up and about to help put away the bounty from another monthly shopping trip. I am, however, too sore and scatter-brained to be a social consumer this evening, so I stay home rather than visit Jeni at the Barrio. Hopefully I will get another chance to see her perform.
Saturday 6/3/17, 7.4 miles. Today I actually feel like getting out and about. I head out before noon to do some downtown wandering before the Arcane Revelry social consumption dinner. Since today is the Starlight Parade through downtown Portland, there are quite a large number of folks out and about so there is a lot to see and take in around town. Just as I disembark from the Orange MAX line at the OMSI station, I receive a forwarded email regarding tonight’s festivities and realize that I need to return home to properly dress for this event, but I don’t have to go just yet. So a wander north, down the East Esplanade, west across the Steel Bridge, and south up Tom McCall Waterfront Park allows me to see many sights at many sites before using public transportation to return home. I opt for a black long sleeved dress shirt and a black and white 3 Stooges tie, brown Dickies pants, comfortable house slippers (100 year old original wood floors!), and of course my signature red hat. I have plenty of time to get back into Portland, take the MAX up to PSU, and wander down through the Park Blocks before arriving at the beautiful old home of our host.
The Arcane Revelry event was amazing, and you can read more about it in a future article. At the end of the event, I made the MAX with no issue, but after all the proper good-byes and hugs, it was too late for the MAX to make the connecting bus, so the lovely Flo consented to leaving the wonderful confines of home to meet my cannabis infused self at the light rail stop and drive me home. What a great wife I have; what a great life I lead.