Once upon a time I watched an episode of Myth Busters that explored whether or not playing music for plants helped them grow. When the episode started, the hosts of the show seemed skeptical, as was I the viewer. By the end of the episode, it seemed pretty difinitive that playing music for plants did indeed help them grow, and that heavy metal music in particular worked the best. One of my good friends starting playing heavy metal music for his marijuana plants from that time on, and swears it has helped his plants.
The Myth Busters episode stopped short of providing a solid explanation for why music helped plants grow. An article recently published by Science World Report gives a good explanation about how vibrations, which can be caused by music or other things, help a plant’s photosynthesis process:
“What we’ve found is that when the gaps in energy level are close to vibrational frequencies, you can have enhanced charge separation,” said Ogilvie. “It’s a bit like a bucket-bridgade: how much water you transport down the line of people depends on each person getting the right timing and the right motion to maximize the thoroughput. Our experiments have told us about the important timing and motions that are used to separate the charge in the photosystem II reaction center.”
Certain vibrations help plant’s photosynthesis process. I find this absolutely fascinating. Whether or not marijuana plants prefer heavy metal versus Snoop Dogg is still up in the air, but I think it’s good to play some type of music for them none the less. As with most studies like this, there needs to be more research. If I come across more info, I’ll either modify this article, or post another one. In the meantime I will be creating a 420 friendly playlist for my marijuana plants!