January 24, 2015

Hemp Bill Filed In The Missouri Senate

January 24, 2015
industrial hemp cultivation vermont

industrial hemp cultivation vermontBy John Payne

Last Thursday, January 15, state Senator Rob Schaaf (R – Saint Joseph) introduced Senate Bill 255 to legalize the production of industrial hemp in Missouri. “Buchanan County used to be one of the main growers of industrial hemp,” Dr. Schaaf told the Saint Joseph News-Press. “We could revitalize our rural area. It grows like crazy.”

A similar bill was sponsored in the House last year by Representatives Mike Colona (D – Saint Louis), Paul Curtman (R – Pacific), and Galen Higdon (R – Saint Joseph). It received a hearing in the House Economic Development Committee, where it received a nearly unanimous vote and a do-pass recommendation. If it been earlier in the session, the bill likely would have passed the House of Representatives and maybe ended up before the governor.

You can help ensure this important legislation passes by writing your state representative and senator through this easy-to-use advocacy page on our website. Your legislators are interested in hearing about what their constituents value, and even a handful of personal emails can impact their priorities.

This year, we are starting with a more educated and sympathetic legislature, so the process should move more quickly than in previous sessions. Moreover, I expect a companion version to Dr. Schaaf’s bill to be introduced in the House within the next couple weeks.

You can help up us advance this important legislation that will create jobs and economic opportunities for Missourians by making a contribution of $10, $25, or $50 now. You can also make a lasting impact through the legislative session and beyond by signing up for a monthly pledge of $5, $10, or $20.

And remember that we do accept PayPal contributions at [email protected] and our BitCoin wallet information is here.

Source: Show-Me Cannabis


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