Hemp reform is sweeping the country, with almost every state in America either allowing it now, or exploring the idea of allowing hemp cultivation in one form or another. New Mexico is on the list of states that are on the verge of passing hemp reform, albeit for research purposes. Both chambers of New Mexico’s Legislature have signed off on the hemp research bill, and the legislation now goes to New Mexico’s Governor where it’s expected to be signed into law. Per New Mexico Political Report:
A bill that would allow research into the growth of industrial hemp passed the House and is now headed to the governor’s desk.
The House passed the bill on wide bipartisan vote, 54-12.
There was very little debate on the bill that would allow New Mexico State University and the state Department of Agriculture to grow hemp for research purposes.
Rep. Antonio “Moe” Maestas, D-Albuquerque, carried the bill on the floor. He had carried a similar bill on the House side.
“This is strictly research and development,” Maestas said.
Even thought this bill is just for research purposes, I’m confident that it will lead to full legalization. I can’t fathom what their research would turn up that would stop that from eventually happening. Hemp is a very versatile plant, and I can’t wait to see what is learned from the research that will eventually be conducted in New Mexico.