‘Hempseed 4 Homeless’ Campaign
Moms for Marijuana has teamed up with Hope 4 Homeless to form the Hempseed 4 Homeless campaign.
Seeds of the Cannabis plant, hemp seed, contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, nor has the essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet human nutritional needs. – https://www.ratical.org/
Hope 4 Homeless is a Social enterprise aimed at getting the less fortunate back on their feet and off the street by distributing Bags filled with clothing, food, toiletries, and neccessary outdoor living equipment is provided, such as tents, blankets etc. Also in the bag Hope 4 Homless provides local job applications and also free classes that people can attend.
Moms for Marijuana would like to help provide hempseed products to go in the bags that are distributed by Hope 4 Homeless. Please help us with this campaign!!
You can donate towards our $1500 goal here –https://www.wepay.com/
Hope 4 Homeless has generously offered to help get our campaign started. They are able to track how many people who like their page also like Moms for Marijuana’s page. They have offered to donate $250 towards our campaign when 1000 Moms for Marijuana fans have liked their page.
Please go to their page and click “like” to help get us started!