March 13, 2014

Five Awesome Stoner Movies On Netflix

March 13, 2014
world's largest marijuana joint seattle hempfest

stoner netflix marijuana moviesNetflix is definitely the product of a pothead mind… I mean come on, instant movies and TV streaming? While it may seem like a convenient idea for everyone, stoners know that Netflix was made for them! Sometimes, finding good shows or movies to watch can be extremely tiring. With the thousands of choices and your high mind, picking something to watch can end up being an hour long process. But if you’re looking for some stoner movies (I’m not saying that they’re good movies… It all depends on your personal preference), here’s a few that Netflix features that may make you laugh while you’re hitting the bong.

1. Super High Me
I really liked this movie. I thought it was pretty funny. It’s kind of a tough study to do and should be conducted with multiple people, seeing as how THC effects everyone differently. But even though the narrator was smoking weed for 30 days straight, he suffered no ill side effects except being a little bit slower at math.

2. Growing Op
This movie puts a spin on the parent-child-marijuana relationship, featuring a high school student who’s parents are pot smoking hippies. But while his parents toke up, he just wants to be a normal kid, who ends up falling in love with his next door neighbor. She has super conservative parents and the main character must overcome the obstacle of dealing with life and weed.

3. AKA Tommy Chong
Detailing the hardships that Chong suffered while dealing with the DEA and legal issues, this documentary will definitely open your eyes as to how unfair the laws can be (if you seriously still have doubts, that is). Chong, a person with no prior convictions, was charged with selling water pipes on the internet, something that no one had been busted for prior.

4. How Weed Won The West
This documentary is great. With a heavy hate towards the drug war and the many failed policies on keeping drugs under wraps, How Weed Won The West is definitely a great stoner movie that you should see. It details how the plant’s popularity spread across the western half of the US, showing the positive reinforcement from patients.

5. The Union
I’m not sure if this film is still available on Netflix but it was for a while and if you haven’t seen it, you gotta get on that. The film shows how the marijuana industry effects those involved and around it, while asking the question everyone is thinking; is legal weed really what stoners want?

Source: THCFinder.Com


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