This is the sixth April 20th since Jay Smoker and I created this blog in January 2010. This 4/20 is particularly special for me because it’s the first 4/20 after my home state, Oregon, voted to end marijuana prohibition. The third owner of this site, Travis, was vital to Oregon’s marijuana legalization effort, and I want to give him a big thank you for making this April 20th better than any other one I’ve ever celebrated, along with a thank you to the rest of the Measure 91 team.
I hope all of our readers have a great day, and consume responsibly. Chances are you have already been celebrating all weekend, which is the benefit of April 20th falling on a Monday. The downside of April 20th falling on a Monday is that many people have to go to work, myself included. So here’s a shout out to everyone that is stuck in a cubicle today or behind a counter, or in front of a grill, or whatever type of job you have. May your vape pens be full, your breaks be abundant, and your discreet (or not-so-discreet) celebrations be fantastic.
Please remember to support reform on 4/20. Sign up to gather signatures for a campaign, or volunteer with a reform organization, or if you are able, make a donation to a worthy cause. Some of my favorite causes are Students for Sensible Drug Policy, the Drug Policy Alliance, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, StopTheDrugWar.Org, Marijuana Majority and the Show-Me Cannabis campaign. If I missed someone, my apologies, I’m not all the way awake right now, and may have waked and baked a bit before I turned my computer on! If you have seen an organization or campaign plugged on this blog, donate to them!
Happy 420, from The Weed Blog team!!!!