April 20, 2015

Happy 420 2015 From The Weed Blog!

April 20, 2015
origins of 420 how did 420 start

origins of 420 how did 420 startThis is the sixth April 20th since Jay Smoker and I created this blog in January 2010. This 4/20 is particularly special for me because it’s the first 4/20 after my home state, Oregon, voted to end marijuana prohibition. The third owner of this site, Travis, was vital to Oregon’s marijuana legalization effort, and I want to give him a big thank you for making this April 20th better than any other one I’ve ever celebrated, along with a thank you to the rest of the Measure 91 team.

I hope all of our readers have a great day, and consume responsibly. Chances are you have already been celebrating all weekend, which is the benefit of April 20th falling on a Monday. The downside of April 20th falling on a Monday is that many people have to go to work, myself included. So here’s a shout out to everyone that is stuck in a cubicle today or behind a counter, or in front of a grill, or whatever type of job you have. May your vape pens be full, your breaks be abundant, and your discreet (or not-so-discreet) celebrations be fantastic.

Please remember to support reform on 4/20. Sign up to gather signatures for a campaign, or volunteer with a reform organization, or if you are able, make a donation to a worthy cause. Some of my favorite causes are Students for Sensible Drug Policy, the Drug Policy Alliance, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, StopTheDrugWar.Org, Marijuana Majority and the Show-Me Cannabis campaign. If I missed someone, my apologies, I’m not all the way awake right now, and may have waked and baked a bit before I turned my computer on! If you have seen an organization or campaign plugged on this blog, donate to them!

Happy 420, from The Weed Blog team!!!!


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