Happy Anniversary High Times West Coast Office
I saw the following wall post this afternoon on Facebook, “It’s been exactly two years since we moved to California and started up this magazine… Any chance we can celebrate 20,000 likes by 4:20PM?” I remember when High Times announced the creation of their West Coast office. Like many marijuana consumers on the West Coast, I thought to myself, ‘it is about time!’
I know people in New York are very prideful, but I think the facts speak for themselves that the West Coast is the center of American marijuana culture, specifically California. The West Coast is where medical marijuana started, it’s where marijuana decriminalization was first passed, and it’s home to the finest marijuana on the planet. If you don’t agree, chances are you haven’t been to the West Coast!
I actually dug up the article that announced the launch of the High Times West Coast office as well as the High Times Medical Magazine (quarterly publication) and the first cannabis cup in America. Here is an excerpt of their announcement, “With New Jersey signing on as America’s 14th medical marijuana state, and the Obama administration taking a state’s rights approach to enforcement, HIGH TIMES knows the time is right to launch HIGH TIMES Medical Marijuana News and Reviews, an all-new newsstand magazine focused on the needs of medical cannabis patients and providers nationwide.”
As someone that owns The Official HIGH TIMES Pot Smoker’s Handbook, I was very excited to see that author, and Senior High Times Editor David Bienenstock, was going to head the new project. “I can’t imagine a more exciting time to transplant myself into the epicenter of cannabis freedom,” said Bienenstock at the time of the article. “This new magazine will break important ground for HIGH TIMES, and give medical marijuana patients and providers the kind of comprehensive coverage they deserve. Meanwhile, having an official HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup in California is literally a dream come true for millions!”
As loyal TWB readers know, Ninjasmoker and I attended the High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in Los Angeles. I had a chance to meet some of the staff of High Times, and they were very educated, knowledgeable people on the topic of marijuana. I used to not give High Times full credit because after all, they were from New York…I’m glad to see that for the last two years, they have been right in the middle of the action, and I look forward to their endeavors in the future. Happy two year anniversary High Times from your friends at The Weed Blog!