Planet Green Trees Internet Radio Show broadcast continuously since 2010- one of America’s longest-running programs based solely on cannabis news
It began life during a time when medical marijuana was first being explored by Michigan voters; four years later, the need for accurate information and timely news reports has never been greater. The Planet Green Trees Internet Radio Show (PGT) will celebrate their 200th weekly radio broadcast on May 22 with a slate of former co-hosts and return guests.
Planet Green Trees is currently broadcast on the Internet radio portal every Thursday evening at 8 pm EST. The show features updates on marijuana law advancement in Michigan and worldwide, news on related subjects and court case summaries.
Current on-air staff includes criminal defense attorney Michael Komorn; The Compassion Chronicles editor Rick Thompson; managing partner at 3rd Coast Compassion Center, Jamie Lowell; and the leader of the Birmingham Compassion Club, Chad Carr. Komorn and Carr are principals in the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association; Lowell and Thompson are Board Members of the Michigan chapter of Americans for Safe Access.
Longevity in broadcasting is hard to find- especially when the work is all volunteer- and show regulars have taken on multiple duties to make PGT a success. Lowell doubles as an on-air regular and the show’s Producer; Thompson is the News Director of the program and keeps the debate lively; Komorn starts every show with his Rant on legal subjects. “Michigan has been well-served by four years of the Planet Green Trees show,” said Komorn.
Guests of the PGT show have included Harvard professor Lester Grinspoon; Senators and Representatives from Michigan; Sheriffs and police chiefs; Mayors, City Council members and other local leaders; representatives of national marijuana rights groups including the Marijuana Policy Project, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, Americans for Safe Access, and leaders of the state chapters of those organizations; patients, caregivers, physicians and scholars.
For the 200th Episode, host Komorn plans to trip down memory lane with some names and voices from the show’s first few years. “It’ll be a bit of nostalgia for those who have been involved since the beginnings of Michigan’s medical marijuana program; it’ll be a history lesson for those who are new to the movement,” Komorn promised.
The show is broadcast live but is also available as a podcast for downloading later. Visit to listen in LIVE or visit to hear a replay of the episode.
Source: TheCompassionChronicles.Com