In the cold and sometimes inhospitable environment of Nova Scotia, those suffering from life-threatening terminal illnesses such as cancer were suddenly finding relief. They can thank Rick Simpson and his miracle marijuana oil.
Located in one of Canada’s smallest provinces, everybody knew Rick Simpson in the town of McCann. Some knew Rick because he has shared his secret to life with them, others because they believe him to be a crackpot; little more than a geriatric pot peddler.
Stating the most basic of facts, Rick points out ”you can’t deny your own eyes, now can you? Here’s someone that was dying of cancer… and they’re not dying anymore.”
As dozens of major scientific studies have recently demonstrated, Rick was right. In both the lab tests and tests performed on animals, the active cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant are nothing short of a miracle drug. Helping those without hope fight what was once thought as an incurable death sentence. Curing those that suffer from brain cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, thyroid cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, pituitary cancer, melanoma and even some forms of leukemia. They do this by encouraging the death of cancer cells, cutting off their critical blood supply, while leaving healthy cells intact and unharmed, unlike conventional treatments.