There has been a significant increase in CBD legislation recently across the country. While I don’t like the idea of CBD only legislation, I recognize that CBD is needed by many people, and the quicker we can get it in patient’s hands the better. I get questions all the time from patients in non-medical marijuana states asking if CBD would help them or someone that they care for, especially for those suffering from epilepsy.
CBD has proven to be a very effective medicine for those suffering from epilepsy, and if you suffer from epilepsy or know someone that does, I encourage you to look more into CBD. That’s likely why you are reading this article – because you are trying to learn more. Below is a video of a seminar held by Dr. Bonni Goldstein and Ray Mirzabegian. In the video they discuss pediatric epilepsy and how CBD can help. A special thanks to Gil from WeedMaps (or as I call him, Gil Maps) for posting this video on his YouTube page.