Industrial Hemp Finally Legalized (Again) in the United States
States may now apply to start producing hemp and hemp-derived products under Department of Agriculture supervision.
States may now apply to start producing hemp and hemp-derived products under Department of Agriculture supervision.
Hiller, PC, the Cannabis Cultural Assoc, and the plaintiffs in the federal cannabis lawsuit defended their appeal today.
With legalization on the horizon, New York City still has serious racial disparities in cannabis arrest rates.
Legalization of recreational marijuana in Michigan represents a victory for common sense public policy. Bravo Michigan!
It’s a start though there are no shops yet in the greater Boston area, where more than half the state’s population lives
Michigan Univ. first in nation to offer cannabis chemistry and business, but no law schools are offering pot law courses
This year we will lose more Veterans from overdose and suicide than those who died from every war combined since Vietnam
With Democrats expanding control in both chambers, is cannabis legalization on the horizon in the Land of Lincoln?
Each of Missouri’s eight congressional districts will be allowed a minimum of 24 dispensaries under Amendment 2.
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigns at President Donald Trump’s Request
The resignation comes after the most toxic relationship between a US president and a cabinet member in US history.
Numerous legalization and weed friendly governors, congress people and initiatives enjoyed victory because we voted!
Cannabis legalization has passed in Michigan, making them the 10th state to do so.
Missouri has just become the 32nd state in America to legalize medical cannabis.
Find out what cannabis initiatives and political candidates are best to vote for if you support cannabis law reform!
Before you vote, check out NORML’s Voter Central for endorsed candidates, ballot initiatives, voters’ tools & guides.
The team behind the federal cannabis lawsuit will defend their appeal in New York on December 12th.
Speaking at a rally in Kentucky in support of Rep. Andy Barr, Paul Ryan showed off his hemp knowledge to the locals.
Advocates for Missouri’s Amendment 2 view the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ endorsement among the most important.
Pete Sessions has prevented dozens of cannabis amendments from reaching a vote on House floor. Dallas can vote him out!
The Canadian government controls online cannabis sales in many provinces; tells people to be patient, we’re trying.
The bill would allow state regulators to certify MMJ dispensaries as Medicaid providers to dispense medical cannabis.
Prosecutors couldn’t prove trafficking, but charged anyhow. Mississippi has 3rd highest incarceration rate in the world!
Since 2000, Gallup has shown that support for legalization “has trended steeply upward” and is now at an all-time high.
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