March 21, 2012

Weed Star Heady Glass Bubbler – The Monstar

March 21, 2012
the monstar bubbler

The Monstar Bubbler

Introducing the extremely complex and vibrant orange coloured glass Heady Pipe by Weed Star. This glass bubbler is characterised by three different chambers with a number of different decorations adorning various parts.

The glass bowl is dazzlingly coloured using yellow, black, orange, green, red and white in the form of a switchback design. The coloured bowl feeds into a transparent orange coloured glass donut shaped chamber.

Passing through the donut, smoke is then funnelled into the middle main chamber. The main chamber has a flat base for the pipe to stand up. This section is designed in layers from orange coloured glass to a similar multi-coloured switchback design to the glass bowl. The large middle chamber has a clear glass marble which sits on the side at the top. This marble has a blue flower design embedded inside.

From the top of the middle section the third chamber protrudes out and makes up the mouthpiece. This chamber is a twisted and curled transparent orange coloured glass tube. Shaped like a worm, this tube eventually becomes the domed mouthpiece which has the same multi-coloured switchback design as the bowl. In addition to this there is a disc shaped clear glass marble with blue dots embedded inside that is connected to both the midsection and mouthpiece. The functional and vibrant glass bubbler is perfect for glass collectors worldwide.

Manufacturer: Weed Star

Production Line: Heady Pipes

Extra Features: Two Clear Glass Embedded Marbles, Three Chambers, Dome Shaped Mouthpiece

Weight: 290g

Size: 220mm x 160mm

Price: $101.38

If you have a bong or pipe that you would like us to post, send me an e-mail!

the monstar bubbler

If you would like to buy this bubbler, click this link


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