A revolutionary personal essential oil vaporizer that allows you to vaporize anywhere and anytime while reducing the cost and eliminating the inconvenience of current devices. This vaporizer offers a healthier alternative to more traditional intake since there is no flame, no burning and therefore no carcinogens. This small discreet device is convenient to use and easily stored.
What you are looking at is a new experience in the world of personal vaporizers. Imagine being able to take your oil rig with you where ever you go. Everything is contained in one device. You can take monster rips or small measured consistent doses and be finished in less time than it takes to read this.
What sets the Omicron apart from everything else are the patent pending, fill it yourself cartridges. These cartomizer cartridges are specially designed to vaporize thick extract oils, such as BHO, Ear Wax, Putty, Shatter, Absolute Amber and any other extract which can fully melt to a liquid at low temperatures and leave no residue behind.
Since its introduction to the market, the Omicron has already garnered a large group of enthusiastic users, many of which claim that their other vaporizers no longer get used anymore since getting their Omicron. Imagine having all your flower storage, grinding, lighters, abv containers, bags, tubing, wands, screens, cleaning equipment etc. all replaced by a vaporizer the size of a sharpie marker. Once you load the cartridge with between .5 and 1.0 gram of your favorite extract, you can be vaporizing for weeks before needing to refill or replace the cartridge. One gram of extract is good for 400+ 6 second hits. The rechargeable lithium battery lasts for about 200 six second hits and the Double Omicron kit comes with two batteries, so you always have one charged and ready to go.
PlanetVape, one of the Omicrons main distributors says “Our customers really enjoy the freedom the Omicron gives them, as well as the ability to have it discreetly producing vapor within seconds. We get a lot of positive feedback and thanks from customers who really appreciate the benefits the Omicron offers them”
The Omicron, accessories and cartridges are currently available online and at select medical dispensaries.