I’m packing bags to live life as a legit smoker. To hold a job and a medical card to, to the Emerald City I go – can’t wait for Hempfest 2011.
The pee was clean. So if you’re a 230lb semi-active male give, it two months to be sure you’ll pass that initial test. Recently took my first hit at 4:20 and it turns out weed makes you sleepy, so again what’s the big fucking deal?
So, did you hear about the bad girlfried that called the cops on her boyfriend? Maybe they should’ve broke up a long time ago.
Also in the news an article about a CBS News reporter busted for growing his own. Its a shame shit like this has to be news. If he was making home brew that made you go blind his job wouldn’t be in jeopardy or growing tomatoes that made you giddy.
I see the INTERNET going out soon in my future and want share something positive with you. A group know as The Green Brothers, made up of Claude 9 and DJ Bern One. These guys are too good to be kept to one self. A couple of months ago a Facebook friend from Ireland posted a video from some guys in San Diego that threw me off guard. The same awwwww I got from Pineapple Express when Saul Silver pulls out his airplane joint the Green Brothers did for me in their smoking anthem song.
You need to see the video for the song “I Get Lifted”, whether you like hip-hop, reggae, jazz or not you should still check it out for the smoking skills prevailed in this video. At one point (.23) Claude 9 pulls out the most beautiful bud than he takes a nail and sticks it in the bum of the bud. Once the nail is fully inserted he rolls the bud around the nail, pull the nail out and now you have 100 percent natural joint.
DJ Bern One and Claude 9 both come shining through on the I Get Lifted track while the rest of the tracks are stoner respectable to. A mix of hip hop and R&B, their style reminds me like early Michael Franti.
The song No Worries leaves a feel good smoke to vibe and Too Funky puts you into a dancing mood. My favorite thing about this album is how the tracks start out as baby making music and work themselves back to the streets but than again more babies have been made on more streets.
I presently have a Q&A session in progress and will be posting it as soon as its done but they are bust being activist for Proposition 19 and promoting their new CD release. Until than you can download the album off their s.bandcamp.com/album/i-get-lifted” target=”_blank”>website or friend them on youtube.