![Star Wars Joint star wars doobie](https://theweedblog.com/wp-content/uploads//Star-Wars-Joint-300x300.png)
What Rolling Papers Do You Use To Roll Marijuana Joints?
Choosing a type of rolling paper is much more complicated than it used to be. Back in the day when smoke shops weren’t as prevalent, I pretty much only bought my rolling papers at the local 7-11. It had the standard selection of Top brand papers and Zig-zags. My how things have changed. Now, whether you go to a head shop or look on the internet, there are dozens if not hundreds of different options.
As any of my friend’s will attest, I cling to the past like there is no tomorrow. Combine that with a mild case of OCD, and it’s safe to say that I have only purchased one brand of rolling papers in my lifetime. It’s always fun to smoke other people’s joints that are more ‘adventurous’ than me, but I stick with the orange Zig Zags. I don’t know why I only use those, but I figure it’s what’s always worked for me in the past, so why change?
My friend Smokey is the local undisputed champion of rolling paper knowledge. It helps that he owns a head shop and lounge, but even before those days, he always had the cool new rolling paper. He was the first to show me the wire papers, flavored papers, jumbo papers, you name it. What do TWB readers use to roll their marijuana joints? Are you old school like me, or do you have a newer brand that you enjoy? I look forward to the comments, I can almost guarantee there are ones that I’ve never heard of! Below is a cool instructional video on how to make a windmill joint for those feeling ultra ambitious: