Marijuana Brownies Were Very Popular On April 20th
I hope your 4/20 was eventful; I know mine certainly was. Ninjasmoker and I traveled to Denver for the weekend with our friends from WeedMaps and Marijuana.Com to cover events. We have met a lot of nice people in Colorado, and seen some of the best bud and concentrates around. As I stated in an article earlier today, we participated at the 4/20 rally in Denver, and finished 4/20 off with a concert/party in downtown Denver. This 4/20 is easily one of my favorite of all time, probably only behind 2001.
This is the third 4/20 that The Weed Blog has been around for, and as expected, we got quite a bit of traffic yesterday. When it’s the number one weed day of the year, people are going to eventually find their way to some of our articles, and we are always grateful to have visitors! It’s not that often that we look at our statistics and see stuff stand out to the point that we feel the need to talk about it in an article. However, yesterday was one of those days.
We received record traffic at The Weed Blog yesterday for a 4/20, and one article received roughly 1/4 of our entire day’s traffic. The article is, ‘How To Make The Perfect Marijuana Brownies.’ Normally when we see an article erupt like that, it’s because it is doing well on social media. But when we look at the stats for this article yesterday, almost all of the referrals were from Google searches for marijuana brownie recipes. Apparently marijuana brownies were VERY popular yesterday. Gee, I wonder why :)
Did you consume marijuana brownies this 4/20? Some other form of medible? Did you stay away from medibles altogether and just dab until you dropped, or smoke nugs until you couldn’t see straight? A real strong brownie or two will put people on their ass, and when I look at how many times people searched for brownie recipes yesterday, I can only assume there were a lot of naps taken yesterday in addition to brownie consumption!