Every year, I try to light up before indulging myself in the delicious spread of Thanksgiving food on the table. A good smoke always seemed to make the food taste better that it already was. But as I’ve gotten older (and had children) sneaking in this smoke break before eating has gotten harder and harder. But that’s where edibles makes everything easier!
Danksgiving – a Weed Thanksgiving – is the perfect situation to not only enjoy a great meal, but also experience the amazing effects of marijuana while doing it! So this year, we’ve put together ever recipe you need to take tomorrow’s meal to new heights!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Recipes for the Perfect Weed Thanksgiving
To start, how about a bowl of hearty and warm seasonal soup? Perhaps like this Butternut Squash soup perfect for the cool weather and to get your body ready for the meal!
Marijuana Butternut Squash Soup
The soup is very simple and doesn’t take that long to make, and you can definitely enjoy a bowl of this on a cold day with friends and family.
Weed Thanksgiving Main Courses
Alright…are you ready for this? These are the dishes that make your Thanksgiving complete! From mashed potatoes to a full turkey, here’s every recipe you need to make weed thanksgiving happen at your house!
Marijuana Green Been Casserole
If you like marijuana and green bean casserole, you are going to love this recipe!
Cannbais-Infused Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce
From the TWB vault, this is a Thanksgiving classic!
Thanksgiving Day Marijuana Turkey
By far, the dankest turkey you’ll ever eat!
Marijuana Gravy
Not feeling very motivated to medicate everything on your table this year? Simply medicating the gravy will get you and your guests stoned enough to still have room for dessert!
Admit it! You still want dessert after that crazy-filling meal! Because what’s Thanksgiving without Pumpkin Pie? We’ve even included two recipes for pumpkin pie – one for these adorable mini-pies that we just can’t get enough of!

Marijuana Pumpkin Pie
Add marijuana to the equation and this Thanksgivings staple can pack quite a punch! If you want to give your guests an options punch, try this cannabis-infused whipped cream from Eat Your Cannabis.
Marijuana Apple Pie
What is as American as apple pie? Marijuana of course!
Mini Marijuana Pumpkin Pies
This tiny pies are dressed to impress your holiday guests. Plus their great for guests looking for a lower dose.
Marijuana Banana Bread
This can even be prepared ahead of time and set out right when your guests arrive as an all day treat.
Now that you’ve fully indulged yourself, why not finished off the holiday with a spice-filled drink and great conversation with family and friends!
Marijuana Chai Drink
Sit back, relax…and Happy Thanksgiving!