When cooking with cannabis, there’s quite a few ways to get your medication in to your food. There’s the lazy way of cooking with weed and you just kind of throw your buds in to a pot and hope that your edibles come out the way you want them to. The butter method also works and is pretty easy but not always great for the stoners who are trying to be healthy. Olive oil is also used in cooking with cannabis but what do you do if you’re trying to make some sort of bread with cannabis? Thankfully, there is such a thing as cannabis flour and it’s far easier to make than you would think.
Making cannabis flour is more so time consuming rather than difficult. The buds that you use must be extremely dry, as any moisture could cause mold to grow within the flour once you’ve stored it. The time consuming part comes from having to pick out all of the seeds and stems from your cannabis. Be sure that you get all of them, as they could make the flour bitter. So once your buds have dried well, pick out all of the stems and seeds and then proceed to grind up your cannabis in to a fine powder. You can use a coffee grinder or a mortar for this. Coffee grinder is convenient but you can grind up more at a time if you do it by hand.
Once the cannabis has been ground up, store it in a jar or a container of some sort and store in a cool, dark place. Like I said, it’s definitely easier to make cannabis flour then a lot of people think. This stuff is great for use in bread and other baked goods. Just, as always, remember that you can adjust the amount of marijuana you use in every recipe to your tolerance. There is no recipe for cannabis flour because it’s basically just crushed up cannabis. You can add flour to your recipes still if you’d wish but it’s suggested that you use half flour and half of the crushed up cannabis. Hopefully, you’ll be able to replace regular flour with this cannabis flour and enjoy it!
Source: THCFinder.Com