As the cannabis industry rapidly grows, the competition for the best pre-rolled, pot popsicle follows the same trend. This is great because it gives us the ability to find out which pre-rolled cones go above and beyond our expectations. We gathered our leading marijuana enthusiasts and collected the latest and greatest information about these pre-rolled cones.
These resources will allow you to pick the best choices to match your individual needs. Dive into this article, and we’ll answer any questions you have about these cool, hollowed-out cone joints.
Best Pre-rolled Cones
For years, the industry standard for pre-rolled joints had been 1 gram of cannabis per roll, including a little cardboard filter with the recognizable ‘w’ squiggle folded into the tip. Switching up your pre-rolls without buying a pre-roll machine is the perfect way to stay on the cutting edge of cannabis culture. Many types of joints for weed use cones that have been created, and from here we’ll take a look at some of the top tier cones; this is coming straight from cannabis enthusiasts.
1. Hemp Wrap Blunt Cones
Pre-rolled hemp wrap blunt cones exist now and are made from all-natural hemp, which creates a super slow burn and adds a full flower flavor to your newly rolled cannabis creation.
2. Spiral Tip Pre-Rolled Cones

Most cones will have the regular “W” shape, but if you want something unique with a tighter draw, try spiral tipped pre-rolled cones. The spiral design produces a unique inhale which makes for smoother smoking. Not only is this cone pretty, but the shape can also prevent any small pieces of your favorite strain from getting in your mouth. Also, the additional surface area allows the smoke to cool somewhat before it is inhaled. Nine out of ten recreational and medical consumers who live the marijuana lifestyle recommend it!
3. Palm Leaf Cone
Like the hemp wrap blunt cone, the palm leaf cone is another blunt like pre-rolled cone. This type of cone is going to add more flavor to your flower. For those consumers who really want to taste the difference in their cannabis strains, we don’t recommend using this kind of cone. This cone creates a unique smoking experience because of how much flavor it adds. Palm leaf cones are slow burning and normally come with a cornhusk filter tip.
4. Corn Husk Rolling Paper Blunt Filter Tips

Corn husk pre-rolled cones have an even tighter draw than spiral cones. The corn husk filter tip creates the smoothest of hits because of its design. The corn husk does not add any flavor to your flower, so if you’re trying to taste the Blueberry Kush you just scored, you’ll have no problem there.
Compared to paper filter tips, these corn husk tipped pre-rolled cones are more sustainable and environmentally friendly. These tipped pre-rolled cones work best with organic and earthy kinds of marijuana. The corn husk tip creates a really stunning visual, as you will definitely notice it peeking out of the bottom of the joint.
5. Biodegradable hemp filter tip
Often a counter to cigarette filters which are made from plastic, you can now have a pre-rolled cone joint with a biodegradable hemp filter in it! Compared to a paper filter tip, the biodegradable hemp filter is going to be dense and squishy, so it will filter much more from the smoke. Lucky for you, these cones are designed to have a significantly higher flow than cigarette filters which enable you to feel the desired effects much faster.
6. Glass Tip or Wood Tip
The most unique and luxurious pre-roll filter options would be glass and wood tips. There are two ways you can go about doing this, and you can’t go wrong with either option. Both wood tips and glass tips can be custom branded, so if you want something very unique, unlike anything else, custom brands are the way to go.
Another cool thing to consider is the shape of the filter tip; both wood and glass can be shaped into anything and produced in nearly any color you would like. Both wood and glass tips typically help cool down the smoke as it passes through the extra length as well. Finally, having a luxurious tip like this creates tighter and bigger draws.
7. BONUS ROUND! Custom Cones Size!
Last, but not least, we have the perfect way of creating a totally new and exciting size of pre-rolled smokables. People have made small, large, and thin pre-rolls, but there is always a ton of innovation out there, and the sky’s the limit for something like this.
When it comes to pre-rolled cone blunt wraps, you can customize any aspect. With the total length, opening diameter, bottom diameter, and filter length, you can create an endless variety of sizes and shapes for pre-rolls. Mix and match a custom sized pre-rolled cone with any of the other ideas on this list to create a one-of-a-kind pre-roll product.
Pre-roll multi-packs and infused pre-rolls have grown in popularity, and they’ve nearly taken over the market. You’ll be seeing many of these joints and blunts at your local dispensary. Trying to (roll a cone) can be very difficult for beginners, which is why these products are great. However, new styles and ideas are coming out all the time. Whether you’re trying to take a more environmentally helpful path or really mix up your product with fun and interesting designs, there are several options in which you can turn for inspiration.
When it comes to choosing the best cones for your pre-rolls, it really boils down to a matter of personal preference. Most people want to start off by buying a (pre-rolled cone filling machine), but we say start cheap instead! Don’t just take our word for these top-reviewed products, though, go explore and find what YOU like. The hassle of lugging around a (pre-roll cone machine) can be cumbersome. Therefore, for those new to pre-rolls, we recommend starting with these latest and greatest creations:
Best Flavored Pre-rolled Cones

- Juicy Jay’s Pre-Rolled Cones (either grape or watermelon!)
- Kingpin Pure Hemp Flavored Wraps
- Cyclones- Pre Rolled Transparent Tobacco
- Zig Zag Vanilla Blunt Wraps
There are a myriad of flavored pre-rolls out there that can really amp up and add some good vibes to your next smoke sesh. They vary by region and manufacturer, so the best advice we can give is to go out and try each cone to see what best suits you and your taste buds!
Custom Cones USA has the widest variety and highest quality pre-rolled cones. Everything from bulk, whole pre-rolled cones, to custom branded cones, hemp wrap blunt cones, and any of the other crazy ideas in this list. Custom Cones USA can customize any aspect of your pre-rolled cones and can even make custom pre-rolled tubes. No need to worry about creating a custom sized cone and not being able to fill it, Custom Cones USA also offers their own Industrial Pre-Roll cone joint rolling Machine for sale. Their pre-roll machine can be customized to fit any size, so dream big!
Additional Readings on Cannabis Infused Products
The Weed Blog: a place to find reviews of certain top strains of cannabis and online news resources regarding the legalization of marijuana. We are committed to helping you find valuable information about cannabis on our website. With the laws of marijuana constantly changing, learn about the latest laws on our website and what you can do to help! Otherwise, consider these other top tier articles regarding cannabis:
What is the Best Way to Consume Marijuana
How Much Dabs Can You Make with Marijuana?
Missouri Medical Marij 2018 List Of Conditions
Pre-Rolled Cones FAQs
What Is a Pre-rolled Blunt?
A pre-rolled blunt wrap is made of a thicker paper than cigarettes, and can hold either medical or recreational marijauna or tobacco, sometimes even a mixture of the two. Unfortunately for all the spliff lovers out there, it is illegal for dispensaries to mix marijuana and tobacco in the same product. Some pre-rollers are getting around this barrier by using palm leaf blunts. Instead of normal tobacco blunt paper, a dried palm leaf is used in the pre-roll giving it the same body and weight as a blunt made with a tobacco wrapper!
Are Pre-rolled Cones Good?
This is a matter of opinion for the most part. Personally, I like cones better than other forms of rolling. I think they tend to burn better, longer, and more evenly than other kinds of rolls. It’s also nice to ensure that the product is of quality and a little bit easier on the brain than having to do them all yourself. The internet is alive with debate, so do some research and see whether pre- rolled cones would be right for you.
Are Pre-rolled Joints Worth It?
Though I’m personally a fan of rolling my own joints, pre-rolls offer lots of benefits in convenience and quality. For many people using marijuana medically, it is an enormous hassle to roll their own blunts and joints, and beyond that the quality of their joint may not be as nice as they’d like. Pre-rolls offer an excellent way to get around this and make marijuana more accessible to people who need it.
How To Fill Pre-rolled Cones
Filling cones is a simple process that anyone can pick up with some practice. An excellent place to start is with a tool called a ‘loader’; these can be found in some smoke shops or online. The tool resembles something between a dustpan and a funnel. It is made to hold your ground herb on the broader side while the narrower side is inserted into the cone. Most store bought cones come with a little cardboard tube inside of the package.
Once you have your herb on your loader, you’re going to use that tube to push the weed into the cone. It’s important to pack tighter towards the tip and looser towards the end of the cone. This will promote proper burning and great airflow for your creation. Once you are satisfied with the amount of herb that you’ve put into your cone, you’re going to use the cardboard tube to tamp down the flower, so it is level and flat inside of the cone. Roll it up and enjoy!
People like to ask how to roll a cone joint) when they should be asking how to fill a pre-rolled cone. Once you learn how to fill pre-rolled cones, THEN you can graduate to rolling your own, or at least it’ll help you in the long run!
How To Use Pre-rolled Cones
A Lot of people ask how to roll a joint with no filter, but if you use our tips you won’t have that problem! After filling the cone, it’s time to smoke that toke! Again, it’s as easy as grinding up whatever weed you have lying around and pouring it into the pre-rolled cone. Another old school way of packing is using the eraser on a pencil or a nail. Don’t crush it in, though, otherwise there will be no airflow. You’ll thank me for that later.