September 7, 2015

A Thank You To Cannabis Industry Workers From The Weed Blog

September 7, 2015
marijuana industry workers labor day
marijuana industry workers labor day
(image via The Times)

Working in the cannabis industry is probably one of the most exciting things that someone can do. But that’s not to say that it’s not without it’s issues. Bosses can be lame, customers can be lame, parts of some jobs can be lame, etc. Working in the marijuana industry is not all just dab hits and free samples.

On top of the issues that come with any job, cannabis workers also have to deal with operating under a microscope. Cannabis industry workers are the face of the cannabis industry for most people, and how they act reflects on the entire industry. Most of the cannabis workers I have met over the years are some of the finest people you will ever meet, and I always make sure to thank them for being such good stewards of the cannabis industry.

By being knowledgeable, compassionate, hardworking, and responsible, cannabis industry workers change minds daily. Cannabis opponents have worked very hard to build up stereotypes in the minds of the public as to what people that are involved with cannabis look like and act like. Cannabis opponents have worked for decades to paint cannabis enthusiasts as deadbeats who are a waste on society. It only takes one interaction with a cannabis industry worker for someone to have those stereotypes shattered if the worker is a responsible one.

I want to personally thank every cannabis industry worker who is doing it right. Whether you work at a garden, a dispensary, or an ancillary company, thank you for doing what you do, and I will continue to root for your success! Thank you from The Weed Blog crew, and happy Labor Day!


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