October 1, 2015

Where Do You Plan On Making Your First Legal Recreational Marijuana Purchase In Oregon?

October 1, 2015
new approach oregon marijuana legalization

new approach oregon marijuana legalizationAnd just like that, Oregon is now allowing recreational marijuana sales to occur in parts of my home state. To say that this is a significant day in my life is a huge understatement. I’ve been waiting for (and fighting for) this day for a very, very long time, and I know I’m joined by a lot of other cannabis enthusiasts who have been doing the same. I really wish people like Jim Greig, Jim Klahr, and Jack Herer were here to see this day. I will be putting clouds of smoke in the air in their name today, you better believe that!

Most outlets were waiting until later today to start their sales, but I know of a lot of places that started sales at midnight in order to get a jump on the day. As usual, I will not be able to participate in the fun until I get off of work at 5 pm. Then I will be fighting traffic for two hours to get to Portland, where I plan on making my first recreational marijuana purchase at Panacea dispensary at 6714 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR 97213. For a full review of the dispensary, and an explanation of why EVERYONE should be buying their recreational marijuana from them (and medical too!), click this link here. While I really want to make my first purchase, I’m hoping that by the time I get there they are sold out of all of their amazing flower, which would mean that others are enjoying it, and that all of those dollars went to a dispensary which is ran by some of the best, most compassionate people I have ever met in this industry.

There are a lot of places in Oregon that don’t allow marijuana sales of any kind. For a complete list of everywhere that is allowed to sell recreational marijuana, check out this link. The list was compiled by the Oregon Health Authority. If you are at a place that is not on that list, that likely means that they don’t have the legal authority to sell recreational marijuana, so beware. You don’t want to support people that are cutting corners, making it harder for people that are doing things legit, and in the process potentially making everyone in this industry look bad.

There are A LOT of eyeballs on Oregon today, so remember to consumer responsibly. Same goes for dispensary owners – be responsible. Card everyone. I don’t care if someone looks like they are 100 years old, card them. If they want to be mean about it, feel free to send them my way for a discussion about the importance of doing everything above reproach. The future of the cannabis movement and industry depends on it. I don’t ever, ever want to see Oregon make even one sell to an underage person, like we have seen occur in Washington and Colorado already.

So TWB readers, where do you plan on making your first recreational marijuana purchase? Or, if you were one of the people that made your purchase already, where did you go? How much did you pay? What was the flower like? Would you recommend it to others? Did anyone travel from far away to come to Oregon to enjoy today’s launch of sales? If so, where are you from? This article is scheduled to post while I’m at work, so I’ll be checking out this page to read the comments all day, and I’m very curious to see what people have to say.

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