November 21, 2014

Five Places To Hide Your Marijuana Stash

November 21, 2014
hide your marijuana stash

hide your marijuana stashIn a world where marijuana is far more accepted, a lot of smokers don’t have to worry about hiding their stashes. But for those who still live at home or need to keep their green usage on the down low, there are some clever places to stuff your stash. Even if you don’t need to hide your weed at home, traveling with bud can prove to be stressful and any one of these methods will prove to be an efficient way to transport your bud and keep it hidden from the cops, in case you get pulled over for some silly reason like a light out or perhaps you didn’t completely stop at a stop sign. Regardless of hiding your bud from cops, parents, bothersome roommates, or fellow stoners who steal your stash, at least one of these methods should work for you.

If you’ve ever ventured in to a candle store where scented candles are sold, you’ll notice that most of them contain a little jar of coffee beans nestled among the candles. The coffee beans clear your head of the numerous scents of the candles and allow you to sample more smells without giving yourself too much of a headache. If you bag up your weed (bag it up well, for real, or perhaps stick it in a small jar) and place it inside of a jug of coffee like Maxwell House, people won’t be able to smell your weed or find it. Just make sure that no one else is drinking the coffee.

People always ask why I wear combat boots with high socks a lot. It’s true, I wear combat boots every single day. One reason is that they’re just dope boots. Doc Martin doesn’t mess around. Another reason is that they are a great spot to tuck weed in to if you’re going to be transporting it for a short time. No one should be getting close enough to your feet to smell weed and the boots will keep it safe from outside assailants. Not to mention that boots always make a great fashion statement for both males and females.

Car Stash Spots
If you’ve ever messed around with a car in your spare time, you’ll probably know that most vehicles are equipped with odd little pieces that pop out, revealing ample space behind the piece. Cars such as the Volkswagen contain many pieces like this, especially in the dashboard. From dummy lights to places to stick switches, these stash spots are great for a quick trip with your bud.

Your Hair
Long hair is a perfect hiding spot for cannabis. Seal it up tightly in a baggy, whether you’re a male or female, and tuck it in there somewhere. For girls, a messy bun is a good place to stick weed for a while. For a guy with longer hair (Or dreads!), pretty much do the same thing. Just be aware that you may end up leaving a trail of skunk smell wherever you go. Hopefully your shampoo can overpower the smell of that bag of dank you have nestled in your locks!

Pet Food
Being a pet parent, I know that their food legitimately smells like shit. So if you need a place to hide your weed and you have a cat or dog, putting your buds in a tightly wrapped package and hiding it at the bottom of the pet food bag will surely keep it hidden. And if anyone finds it, say you bought the cat some catnip. Just make sure you don’t actually smoke said catnip if you really did buy a bag of it.

Source: THCFinder.Com


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