January 17, 2015

How To Get Stuck Kief Out Of A Marijuana Grinder

January 17, 2015
kief marijuana grinder
kief marijuana grinder

If you use a grinder, you know how frustrating it is to see a ton of kief stuck in the cracks, crevices, and the screen. If you’re like me, you really want to smoke that, right? But while scraping the grinder with a knife or something doesn’t always work the best, what’s a stoner to do? There are two easy ways to get the kief out of your grinder, no matter how stuck it is.

The first method would be to stick your grinder in the freezer. When trichomes get cold, they get brittle. By getting the grinder nice and cold, the trichomes will break off of the metal and gather in the kief chamber (if you have one). The longer that you leave the grinder in the freezer, the better chance you have of getting more trichomes. If the kief is still stuck in some hard to reach places, a small, brittle paintbrush will do the trick!

Another way is to take the grinder apart and put it in a jar full of ISO alcohol. Swish the pieces around carefully in the jar and let them sit for a bit. The kief in the grinder will be removed by the alcohol. Once you have let it sit for a bit, you can take the alcohol and pour it in to a Pyrex dish. Let the alcohol evaporate in the dish until all that’s left is the kief from the grinder. Scrape it up and you can top a bowl off with it or just smoke it straight. Just be sure that you let the alcohol evaporate fully before smoking!

Gathering kief like this will definitely yield the desired result. Even if you only get enough to top a bowl, the potency of the kief is sure to make you high as a kite. If you want, you can always store this product for later use, or a dry spell. Most people tend to smoke it right away, after doing the amount of work required to get the concentrate. Enjoy your clean grinder and your kief!

Source: THCFinder.Com


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