March 17, 2011


March 17, 2011
postal marijuana inspector

HOW TO SHIP WEED – Safety Delivered: An Insiders Guide

By: The Kush Guys

A Review Written by : Pot Snob

Have you ever wondered how to get away with shipping weed? You probably have. I definitely have. This new “How To Ship Weed” online e-book from HOWTOSHIPWEED.COM is very informative and geared specifically to those of you that have ever asked the question. The book is written by the Kush Guys who seem to want to remain unknown.

One of the most searched for and written about subjects in weed forums is the shipping of marijuana. The problem is there is so much misinformation out there that it is really hard to know what to believe. Everyone has an opinion, but very few have any hard facts. The writer’s main objective is to show with evidence and proof from the FBI as well as drug dog trainers, how to get away with shipping weed.

I was really surprised to learn that the most common ways we are told to ship weed (coffee grinds, peanut butter jar, U.P.S.) really are not the way to go. The FBI report clearly identifies what law enforcement and the United States Postals Service has set as the “what to flag” list. The report says that each piece by themselves is not a flag, but a few things like a heavy masking smell (perfume, dryer sheets or coffee) combined with another flag will start the investigation.

What was the most interesting part for me was reading about the actual legal process of how the FBI actually bust drug shippers, from the order of the warrants to how the raid is handled.

The second half of the book talks about smell and how drug dogs are trained which leads to exactly what equipment one needs and how to ship weed. The book overall was an easy read, short, to the point, and extremely informative. Mainly, it is nice to know for a fact, what the law says, what the FBI knows, what the USPS looks for as wells as how drug dogs are trained.

I would recommend this as a read to anyone seeking to be well informed on how to ship weed. Even if you do not plan on sending any weed through the mail, this is a great reference guide for any pot smoker.


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