StashLogix – Cannabis Storage And Security Cases
Every responsible marijuana user does everything that they can to keep marijuana away from children. If there’s one thing that marijuana supporters and opponents can agree on, it’s that children should not have access to recreational marijuana at all, and should only use medical marijuana when it’s absolutely appropriate. People can stash their marijuana in places that they think that it’s hidden, but kids are crafty. I was a kid once, and I was very crafty.
The need for devices that keep marijuana out of the hands of children will continue to grow across America. A company called StashLogix is trying to fill the void with their cannabis storage and security cases. People can hide their stash, but unless its in something that locks, once it’s found it’s gone. It could be in the hands of kids, or just a shady character that’s trying to jack your stuff. Either way, having a barrier in the form of a lock is an important safeguard.
StashLogix has designed a product they call the Eco Stash. The first thing about the product that I’m sure people notice is that it has a combination lock. The Eco Stash provides the same security as a small safe, but it’s much easier to carry around. Having a mobile setup is a must in this day and age. The outside of the bag is made from hemp, and the inside of the bag looks like it includes a built in rolling tray, and adjustable compartments.
The inventors at StashLogix are trying to get their fantastic idea off the ground with a crowd funding campaign. If you want to help some hardworking people achieve their dreams, and help make stashes safe across the country and beyond, I urge you to make a donation to their effort (which can be done at this link here). And if you can’t donate, share their crowdfunding page on social media to help spread the word. Below is more information, via their crowdfunding page:
StashLogix patent-pending cases incorporate the first integrated combination lock for cannabis products. The cannabis industry’s “wild wild west” opportunity is spreading across the land, but safety has been left in the dust. StashLogix cases provide the tools we need to be responsible and safe.
2014 marked history making changes for cannabis law. Adults over 21 in Colorado and Washington (with other states in queue) can now purchase cannabis in retail stores for recreational purposes. While cannabis legislation and legalization is in motion state-by-state, here in Colorado it’s already in full effect. The Colorado market is flooded with infused edibles; sales reached almost 5 million edible units in 2014 alone. As a father of two young kids living in Colorado, I am concerned for kids’ safety is this new reality. Reports of kids and dogs accidentally consuming cannabis infused edible products are on the rise. In 2014 in Colorado, there were 151 calls to the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center related to cannabis infused edibles, 45 of which were related to kids under 8 years old. We’re helping bring these numbers to zero.
Stash logically with StashLogix!
The Products
StashLogix begins our IndieGoGo campaign with the integrated combination locking hemp cases. Hemp is ideal because it’s an environmentally friendly, sustainable, renewable resource. Our first offering is the EcoStash (the medium-sized case). When our initial funding goals are fulfilled, we plan to offer stretch goals by adding either the GoStash (small), the ProStash (large), or both.
The Team
StashLogix is a member of CanopyBoulder, an accelerator program geared specifically for the rapidly growing cannabis industry. With the support of CanopyBoulder and shear determination, StashLogix is dedicated to bringing these products to market.
Media / Press…………
Why Indiegogo?
Other crowd-funding sites won’t allow cannabis related ancillary products to be promoted, but IndieGoGo supports our products. StashLogix cases are designed for safe and responsible storage for cannabis products. However, the cases can also be used for pharmaceuticals, fire arms, jewelry, private items, or anything you don’t want prying eyes to find. Using a crowd-funding platform allows us to enter the market quickly with a viable product and get feedback from early adopters so we can further refine the product.
Use of Funds
We’re seeking funds to help StashLogix take the next steps. We have our manufacturing facility, and our shipping brokerage agent on stand-by for our first-run production order. StashLogix is a member of CanopyBoulder, an accelerator program. Our affiliation with CanopyBoulder is an asset to us in launching our business. The only thing that is holding us back is funding.
Please help us make StashLogix the new, disruptive way people store, conceal and protect cannabis.
Shipping and Delivery
Every reward includes free shipping. If you wish to track your shipment please add the “track shipping reward” for an additional $10.
If your address is wrong, your reward will come back to us and we will contact you to get your correct address and ship it again.
Risks and Challenges
While there are risks inherent in any new project, our team has the skill and experience to guarantee that your gear will be delivered. StashLogix is a current member of the inaugural class of the start-up accelerator, CanopyBoulder. This mentorship program provides us the guidance and knowledge to launch this business. Membership in CanapyBoulder provides us access to a team of entrepreneurs, lawyers, accountants, dispensary owners, and industry leaders. It puts us ahead of the game for a small business. Despite inevitable mis-steps and potential delays, we have the right product at the right time and can’t do it alone. IndieGoGo is our best option for kick-starting this business in a world that is increasingly dominated by big business and big money.
If you have any questions or concerns, please shoot us an email at [email protected] and we will answer as soon as possible!
StashLogix makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, of title, or of noninfringement of third party rights. Use of StashLogix products by a user is at the user’s risk. In no event shall StashLogix be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages, to property or life, whatsoever arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of our products.