Missouri League Of Women Voters Endorses Marijuana Law Reform
By Dan Viets The League of Women Voters of Missouri at its State Convention recently endorsed two policies for reform of marijuana laws in our
By Dan Viets The League of Women Voters of Missouri at its State Convention recently endorsed two policies for reform of marijuana laws in our
The testimony below was submitted by a U.S. veteran in support of medical cannabis. I am a veteran of the U.S. military, where I served
By Aaron Malin On July 14, 2015, Show-Me Cannabis announced the latest in a series of lawsuits aimed at requiring Missouri’s multi-jurisdictional drug task forces
Travis Maurer has been in the news a lot lately. There was a long time when there were only two articles written about him that
By John Payne Thank you to everyone who participated in our fourth annual Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness Money Bomb over the holiday
I received the below message from the Show-Me Cannabis campaign. Please make a donation if you’re able to: It’s now the 5th of July, but
By Aaron Malin The Show-Me Cannabis Foundation works tirelessly to investigate and publicize the practices and impacts of cannabis prohibition in Missouri. We look closely
By John Payne Today kicks off Show-Me Cannabis’ Fourth Annual Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness Money Bomb. Each year, the event celebrates our
By John Payne Every year since 2012, Show-Me Cannabis has held the Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness Money Bomb over Independence Day. We will
By Aaron Malin On May 20, 2015, Show-Me Cannabis announced the latest in a series of lawsuits aimed at ensuring that Missouri’s multi-jurisdictional drug task
By Amber Iris Langston The statewide Missouri Cannabis Conference is just around the corner! Please join Show-Me Cannabis and Missouri NORML next weekend — Friday,
By Amber Iris Langston Great job, Show-Me Cannabis family! This day is historic for our movement in Missouri. Last night I sent you an email
By John Payne In preparing for the official launch of our 2016 campaign, we have assembled a coalition of allied individuals and organizations to help
By Aaron Malin Last week, we announced the latest in a series of lawsuits aimed at requiring Missouri’s multi-jurisdictional drug task forces to obey state
By Amber Iris Langston Summer is upon us, and there will be many activities coming up for SMC supporters to join together in Kansas City!
If you follow this blog enough, I’m sure you have noticed the sidebar banner for Jeff Mizanskey. Jeff Mizanskey has been serving a life sentence
By Aaron Malin The Clay County Drug Task Force (also known as the Clay County Investigative Squad) is one of 23 state and federally funded
By Aaron Malin On May 20, 2015, Show-Me Cannabis announced the latest in a series of lawsuits aimed at requiring Missouri’s multi-jurisdictional drug task forces
By Aaron Malin We are excited to announce that donations to our tax-exempt c3 foundation arm are now tax deductible! Our c3 foundation arm does
Earlier this week, House Bill 830, would would legalize the cultivation of industrial hemp in Missouri, was advanced in the Missouri General Assembly. The bill
By John Payne On Monday, both HB 830, which would legalize the cultivation of industrial hemp in Missouri, and SB 386, which would allow doctors
By John Payne Help raise awareness, support, and funds to legalize medical cannabis in Missouri at Veterans for a Choice at J. Pfenny’s (217 E.
By John Payne With the end of Missouri’s legislative session rapidly approaching on May 15, the General Assembly will pass bills very rapidly for the
By John Payne From all of us here at Show-Me Cannabis, we hope you are enjoying your cannabis culture holiday, and we hope that you
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