June 18, 2013

Call To Action: Urge Your Mayor To Join The Marijuana Majority

June 18, 2013
marijuana majority mayor mayors

marijuana majority mayor mayorsThe National Cannabis Coalition is pleased to be helping the latest Marijuana Majority project urging mayors from across the country to pass a resolution demanding that the federal government respect state and local marijuana laws.  With 18 medical marijuana states, medical cannabis allowed in our nation’s capitol, 17 states states decriminalizing marijuana and two states legalizing marijuana outright, it is imperative that our federal government recognize the will of the people and allow the unfettered enactment of sensible marijuana law reforms.

Please contact your mayor by following this link as Marijuana Majority has set up a very user-friendly tool easily allowing you to urge your mayor to support this important resolution.  Federal interference will only waste more money and hurt more lives.  The US Conference of Mayors will be voting on the resolution in its first committee vote Friday, June 21st, so please join us in this important lobbying effort.

Marijuana Majority has done a tremendous job educating the public and policy makers that reasonable policies, such as stopping the arrest of cannabis consumers and regulating the sale of marijuana like alcohol, are mainstream positions.  Too often, people of all stripes have been afraid to voice their support for marijuana law reform.  Celebrities have been afraid of losing endorsements while politicians have been afraid of losing elections.  People’s views, regardless of any political affiliation, may change once they learn that Pat Robertson and Tom Tancredo are joined by Arriana Huffington and Gavin Newsome, as well as Snoop Dogg, Morgan Freeman and

Marijuana Majority has publicized the fact that supporting cannabis law reform should not be feared as a strong majority of Americans favor moving away from harsh, prohibitionary policies that waste tax payer dollars and divert limited law enforcement resources from combatting serious and violent crime.  In addition to the huge waste of money and resources, more and more people are realizing that it is unfair and a bad policy to hurt the educational and employment opportunities of citizens who choose to utilize a substance that, in the words of former DEA Chief Administrative Law Judge Francis Young, “is far safer than many foods we consume” and “one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.”

Marijuana law reform is making great strides across the country.  We are experiencing an unprecedented level of public support and electoral victories.  Let’s add yet another influential voice, the collective voice of mayors from across the country, to the chorus calling for sensible cannabis laws.

Source: National Cannabis Coalitionmake a donation


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