I have many friends that consume marijuana before they show up to work. They don’t consume before driving, and they don’t consume during their commute. But you better believe that when they park their car in their work’s parking lot, and before they swipe their badge to get into the building, they are hitting their vape pens or pipes as much as they can. Jay Smoker was notorious for this. As he would tell me, ‘how else am I supposed to get through the day working at a crappy job?’
I don’t personally consume marijuana before I go to work, but that’s mainly because I sit in a cubicle all day and would likely fall asleep from boredom if I was too high. But just because I don’t consume before work doesn’t mean that others shouldn’t. I get it. Getting high before work makes work tolerable. A poll was recently conducted that found out that almost 1 in 10 workers toke up before going to work. Per Whaxy:
In a recent poll conducted by Mashable.com and Survey Monkey, nearly 10% of respondents admitted to lighting up before work. The survey captured only a small and targeted sample set (534), but the results were fairly surprising. Most respondents (over 96%) agreed that it was highly unlikely that they would do so again in the future.
96% of people that said that they consumed marijuana before work said that they wouldn’t do it again…right…Below is an infographic that Whaxy made in reaction to the poll results: