I just saw an urgent message come onto Oregon Cannabis Connection’s Facebook page from Anthony Taylor of Compassionate Oregon. If you live in Oregon and want to help protect Oregon’s Medical Marijuana Program, please participate and tell everyone you know to do the same. Below is the message:
From Anthony Taylor of Compassionate Oregon:
“We are asking everyone to send the letter out this weekend so when members come in on Monday their inboxes are full. Then on Monday we start calling members at 8:00 and keep calling all day long until they go into the hearing at 5:00. Then we will start up with phone calls again Tuesday and all day Wednesday.”
Lets help block this bill!! We will make it easy…3 steps…
1. Cut and paste the text below into your email..
(Subj line:) I oppose SB 936
Dear Committee members,
I oppose SB 936 for the following reasons:
SB 936 limits the number of plants anyone may produce to 24. This could leave well over 12,000 patients without a grower.
SB 936 restricts patients or their growers from producing medicine for no more than four patients at the same time. This will also severely limit the number of patients that will be able to find a grower.
SB 936 allows the OHA to inspect grow sites including those with 12 plants or less.
SB 936 requires OHA to establish a system to track and regulate the production of marijuana by a cardholder or grower.
Reporting requirements are so restrictive including keeping all records for 7 years, that some growers will choose to stop growing for patients
I do not support plant limits in general but SB 936 is so restrictive that patients could be left without a grower to provide their medicines for them.
I urge the Committee to reconsider their support of SB 936 in favor of HB 3400.
Thank you,
Signed, (ADD NAME)
2. Now send to all the email addresses below (committee members), you can do it in 1 email by copy and pasting below to “recipients” –
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
3. Then please call their offices on Monday to reiterate your concerns, and please be POLITE! –
Member Senator Lee Beyer [email protected] 503-986-1706
Co-Chair Ginny Burdick [email protected] 503-986-1718
Member Senator Jeff Kruse [email protected] 503-986-1701
Co-Vice Chair Senator Floyd Prozanski [email protected] 503-986-1704
Member Representative Peter Buckley [email protected] 503-986-1405
Member Representative Ken Helm [email protected] 503-986-1434
Member Representative Andy Olson [email protected] 503-986-1415
Co-Vice Chair Senator Ted Ferrioli [email protected] 503-986-1950
Co-Chair Representative Ann Lininger [email protected] 503-986-1438
Co-Vice Chair Representative Carl Wilson [email protected] 503-986-1403