October 11, 2012

Melissa Etheridge: “Vote YES on Amendment 64”

October 11, 2012
melissa etheridge colorado amendment 64 ad

New Ad With Melissa Etheridge: Yes On 64

Grammy award-winning musician Melissa Etheridge has recorded a radio ad that will begin airing this week throughout Colorado. In it, she explains why she supports Amendment 64, and I found it to be extremely moving and persuasive. I hope you’ll take a moment to check it out.

Melissa explains how the benefits of marijuana she experienced during her battle with breast cancer have led her to believe that regulating marijuana like alcohol is “simply the right thing to do.”

Please take a moment to watch the video and listen to the ad, then forward this email to anyone you know who hasn’t made up their mind yet about Amendment 64. It may make all the difference on Election Day.


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