Help Americans For Safe Access Spread 100,000 Medical Cannabis Election Posters
By Steph Sherer, Americans For Safe Access
Americans for Safe Access (ASA) needs your help to get 100,000 of these great new posters up in “swing states” during this Presidential election season. We need to raise $12,000 to print the posters. Can you help by making a special donation today?
The glossy 17 x 22 inch posters ask a pointed question: Can broken promises lose an election? That question matters most in swing states like Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Virginia, Florida, and New Hampshire. These are states that could go either way in the Presidential election, and candidate Obama is fighting hard for votes in each. We need medical cannabis to be a part of the debate in these key states. Help ASA tell the President that we expect him to live up to his 2008 campaign promise to respect state medical cannabis laws.
We need to get 100,000 of these posters up in swing states right away. Make a special donation to help us raise $12,000 today. Everyone who donates at least $100 will get their own glossy 17 x 22 inch poster.
Be sure to sign up for Camp WakeUpObama, ASA’s election-season campaign to influence the Obama Administration.
Thank you for helping us get this message out
P.S. — You can download an 8.5 x 11 inch version of the poster here.