26,000 lb. Cocaine Raid in Colombia is the Largest in History
Law enforcement in Colombia has made the largest cocaine bust in history, according to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and the Ministry of National Defense.
Law enforcement in Colombia has made the largest cocaine bust in history, according to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and the Ministry of National Defense.
The 36-year-old man, a computer programmer named Henrik Akselsen, was charged with importing and possession of LSD.
At least 3,000 pounds (elbows ;) of pot were removed from the warehouse where 16 people were working to dry the marijuana plants and get them ready for sale.
Governor Bill Haslam would be in charge of appointing a commission of doctors and other experts to regulate cannabis research, cultivation and dispensaries.
Members from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints support legalizing medical marijuana.The high percentage of Mormons that support medical marijuana came as a surprise.
Freshman Linebacker Will Ignont and Junior running back John Kelly were stopped by the Knoxville police around 10:46 pm in Kelly’s vehicle. According to the police officers, the car was searched after they smelled marijuana.
Alderwoman Megan Green said that with the bill, people would be allowed to grow and use marijuana as long as it’s within city limits without fear from law enforcement.
The new Prime Minister said that before she makes a decision about legalizing recreational marijuana, she wants to hold a referendum to find out how the people of New Zealand feel about legalization.
The proposed ordinance would allow dispensaries within 500 feet of places of worship with nothing changing for distances regarding schools.
The investigation was called Operation Green Giant and was a joint effort. Joon H. Kim, who is the acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney, said that the 10 suspects smuggled $22 million worth of weed.
The governor cited federal law as an avenue to discount the will of the voters in his opposition, saying on public radio that he would not sign the bill until he consulted with lawyers.
People taking the survey were asked if other drugs should be legalized, and the answer was overwhelmingly no. At least 85 percent said that crack, methamphetamine and fentanyl should not be legalized.
Michigan may be one of the last marijuana heavyweights in the U.S., and the Michigan Coalition to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol is working to legalize adult use cannabis in the state.
Supporters of the bill also voiced their opinions. Trevor Sand is paralyzed and says that after consuming cannabis, his spasms stopped almost immediately.
The ACLU filed the suit in 2015 on behalf of University of Denver law student Aaron Malin. The student wanted records pertaining to violations of drug task forces in Missouri’s drug war.
The new measure will allow people caught will small amounts of marijuana to avoid going immediately to jail. Instead, those caught with weed will be fingerprinted and given a summons for a court date.
The Hitleresque dictator has committed horrible crimes against his citizens and is believed to have murdered between 3,900 and 7000 people since 2016.
Gov. Matt Bevin said that he will never allow recreational marijuana to be legalized in Kentucky, so long as he is the governor. Gov. Bevin believes people will overdose on marijuana.
Marijuana laws vary from state to state in America. This article will explain current policy for states with medical, recreational, or decriminalized marijuana.
Commissioner John Fritchey added that people’s concerns regarding legalizing medical marijuana did not come true, and the sky won’t fall by legalizing recreational pot either.
Eric Holder, the former Attorney General, said that Jeff sessions seemed obsessed with pot, stating that the new Attorney General had “almost obsession with marijuana.”
Nige says that Black players are reprimanded for peaceful protests and suspended for smoking marijuana while white coaches are snorting cocaine and making dirty videos.
The Son of a Trump administration official invested more than a half million dollars in pot. Shane McMahon invested in EnviroGrow in 2015.
Cannabis activists in Canada say that the Province of Alberta will not be able to compete with the black market if they use the same marijuana regulation model for Ontario.
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